TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited is committed to provide safe and healthy working environment for the prevention of work related injuries and ill-health. We are committed to imbibe safety practices into all of our business processes through an integrated safety management approach which focuses on people, process, system, technology and facilities. We strive to be a leader in safety excellence in the global power and energy business. In pursuit of this, we are committed to the following:
- Maintain and continually improve our management systems to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to all our stakeholders.
- Comply & endeavour to exceed all applicable health & safety legal and other requirements.
- Integrate Safety process and best practices into every operational activity with assigned line-functional responsibilities at all levels.
- Involve our employees and business associates in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment through consultation and participation.
- Create a work environment which encourages teamwork, safe work practices, learning and innovation
- Demonstrate visible commitment by leadership team to provide safe and healthy work environment.
- Influence our business associates in enhancing their safety performance and align with Tata Power safety practices.
- Set safety & health metrics as indicator of excellence, monitor progress & continually improve health & safety performance.
- Enhance competency of our employee and business associates through imparting appropriate training.
- Promptly report all incidents, investigate, share Lesson learned and prevent recurrences.
We shall ensure the availability of appropriate resources at all times to fully implement and communicate this policy to all stakeholders by suitable means and periodically review its relevance in continuously changing business environment.